Actor-couple Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad stepped out for dinner on Friday night. Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad outside a Mumbai restaurant, his sons Hridaan Roshan and Hrehaan Roshan. Hrithik, Saba, Hrehaan and Hridaan go for dinner For the outing, Hrithik wore a white T-shirt, khaki pants and white shoes. Saba and Hrithik's upcoming projects Hrithik will be next seen …
Hrehaan Roshan and Hridaan Roshan, sons of actor Hrithik Roshan and his ex-wife Sussanne Khan, recently performed on stage as their parents cheered for them. Sussanne Khan's sister Farah Khan Ali posted several pictures with Hridaan, Sussanne, Zayed Khan, and Rhea Chakraborty among others. Sharing a video of Hridaan singing Ed Sheeran's The A Team while playing the guitar, Farah …
Hrithik Roshan celebrated Christmas with girlfriend Saba Azad and his son Hrehaan Roshan and Hredaan Roshan in Europe. In the photo, Hrithik, Pashmina, Hrehaan and Hredaan as well as actor-singer Saba Azad are seen smiling and posing in snow, while holding black umbrellas as they enjoyed their white Christmas in Switzerland. Hrithik's cousin Eshaan Roshan is Earlier, Saba and Hrithik …