Actor-couple Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad stepped out for dinner on Friday night. Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad outside a Mumbai restaurant, his sons Hridaan Roshan and Hrehaan Roshan. Hrithik, Saba, Hrehaan and Hridaan go for dinner For the outing, Hrithik wore a white T-shirt, khaki pants and white shoes. Saba and Hrithik's upcoming projects Hrithik will be next seen …
Actor Hrithik Roshan turns 45 on Thursday and the last year has been nothing but blissful for him. They made a snowman in Gstaad, went for scooter rides in Rome, recreated the Zindagi Milegi Na Dobara hand wave on a road trip, tried bungee-jumping, enjoyed a warm dip in Greece and had the best time together. WATCH: Hrithik Roshan turns …