Samsung announced the Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10 Plus at its Unpacked 2019 event. It runs on Samsung’s Exynos 9825 chipset with 12 GB of RAM on the Note 10 Plus and 8 GB of RAM on the Note 10. It includes the Samsung Galaxy Note 10, Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus, Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus, OnePlus 7 Pro, …
Much-loved Marvel hero and OnePlus ambassador Robert Downey Jr. was spotted posting about OnePlus 7 on his Weibo page using Huawei's flagship P30 Pro smartphone, the media has reported. Also, read: Toreto Boom: A powerful and dynamic speaker with absolute protection against water and shock On July 30, Robert Downey Jr. forwarded a Weibo using Huawei P30 Pro rather than …
Huawei, the Chinese smartphone giant that recently launched the Huawei P30 and the P30 Pro, have been added to YouTube Signature Devices list that also includes the Honor View 20. The YouTube Signature Devices list includes phones that support YouTube features that includes 4K decoding, 360-degree video, HDR, high frame rate, Google's VP9 profile 2 decoding and DRM support. Also, …