Just last week the purported specification list of the upcoming Huawei flagship P30 series surfaced online. As per the report, the Huawei P30 Pro’s price will start at € 930 for the base model with 128 GB native storage. As for the regular model Huawei P30, the report indicates that the phone might cost € 750 for the 128 GB …
It seems the Chinese microblogging site Weibo has become the most sought host for Chinese OEMs flagship teaser posts lately. While the teaser emphasized on the new smartphone series camera’s zoom, Huawei’s consumer business group CEO has now revealed that the P30 Pro could quip four camera array on the rear side. The watermark on the photo although poorly blurred, …
Is the headphone jack cool again? It seems to be after reports that Samsung will be retaining the almost-extinct 3.5mm headphone port on the Galaxy S10 and the Huawei P30 reportedly coming with the jack as well. The regular Huawei P30 is said to come with three rear cameras, while the P30 Pro is rumoured to offer a quad camera …