OnePlus recently launched its new flagship, the OnePlus 8 Pro in India. OnePlus 8 Pro vs Huawei P40 Pro+: Design and display Both the Huawei P40 Pro+ and OnePlus 8 Pro seem to be solid offerings when it comes to the design. In fact, the difference is quite stark as the Huawei P40 Pro+ weighs hefty 226 grams, while the …
Huawei is all set to launch its 2020 flagships in its P series, called the Huawei P40 and the Huawei P40 Pro today. Huawei P40, P40 Pro launch: How to watch online event Huawei will unveil the Huawei P40 and the P40 Pro via an online event scheduled for today at 13:00 GMT. Here's a link for the same: Huawei …