The future of shopping 无人超市:未来购物主流? (本节目中的视频资源于2020年拍摄。) 本集内容 The future of shopping 无人超市:未来购物主流? 学习要点 有关 “consumerism(消费)” 的词汇 边看边答 How many adults in Hummelsta have tried automated shopping? 塞西莉亚·约翰逊 企业家 “当然,难就难在老一辈人习惯去商店面对面接触工作人员,但我也认为,由于新冠疫情,我们已经看到了数字化的飞速发展。因此,我们正在改变消费者的行为。” But so far, there are no plans to take staff away from Sweden’s biggest supermarkets, where retail bosses say customers want advice and inspiration, not just something to snack on. Back …