Several members of the BJP and the AAP on Wednesday night exchanged blows and hurled plastic bottles at each other in the chamber of the MCD House, on a day the city got its new Mayor. A few BJP members claimed that some of their fellow party councillors got hit with objects flung in the air, while Mayor Shelly Oberoi …
A day after Congress leader Rahul Gandhi claimed that Vinayak Damodar Savarkar helped the British and got a stipend for it, Bharatiya Janata Party workers staged a protest in Mumbai against his derogatory remarks. BJP leader Ram Kadam staged a protest 'Joota Maaro Andolan' with his party workers in Mumbai on Sunday morning to oppose Rahul Gandhi's insult to the …
Lucknow: Opposition members hurled paper balls towards the podium and raised slogans as Uttar Pradesh Governor Ram Naik addressed a joint sitting of the state legislature on the Budget Session's first day on Tuesday. In his about 55-minute speech, the governor highlighted the welfare and development schemes of the state government, and also justified the renaming of Allahabad and Faizabad …