Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin said on Thursday his government will withdraw cases against those who took part in protests, including the Chennai-Salem highway, the Kudankulam nuclear power plant, and the hydrocarbon extraction in the Delta region. “Arignar Anna was a progression of the Justice Party, and M Karunanidhi was a profession of Anna, and I’m a progression of …
Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin stated that Cauvery Basin is the bedrock of Tamil Nadu’s food security and agro-based economy from time immemorial and claimed that the ecologically fragile zone supports the livelihood of millions of farmers and farmworkers. He also said that the Government of Tamil Nadu has consistently opposed hydrocarbon exploration and extraction projects in the Cauvery basin …
Tiruvarur: The farmers' agitations in different parts of Tiruvarur district protesting against the Union Government's fresh nod to extract hydrocarbon in different places in the district, entered the fourth day on Saturday. Later all of them got into a nearby cotton field and staged a demonstration against the Union Government's move and appealed to the Tamil Nadu Government not to …