A teenage girl gang who went viral on social media after they were filmed attacking train staff, passengers and police officers in an alcohol-fuelled rampage have been spared jail. A teenage girl gang who went viral on social media after they were filmed attacking train staff, passengers and police officers in an alcohol-fuelled rampage have been spared jail The five …
'I had no idea I'd become a national event': Orson Welles on the mass hysteria of The War of the Worlds On 30 October 85 years ago, the population of the US was – according to Orson Welles – overwhelmed by mass panic, terrified by the all-too-real broadcast of his alien-invasion drama The War of the Worlds. It's an incident …
Al Jazeera speaks to Volodymyr Ishchenko, a Ukrainian sociologist, about the crisis between Moscow and Kyiv. President Vladimir Putin has demanded that NATO, an alliance formed during the Cold War to contain the Soviet Union, never let Ukraine become a member – a move he says would threaten Russia. In this tug-of-war over Ukraine, the voices of Ukrainians themselves appear …
It seems quaint now that Douglas Coupland's 1991 book, Generation X, was subtitled "Tales for an Accelerated Culture". "Older people are defining sex in old money and Gen Z are defining sex in new money," he says. Sex as personal brand Scroll through Instagram and it's hard to square the hysteria around a "sexless" Gen Z with the hyper-sexualised profiles …