Boris Johnson has unveiled plans for a light show in Downing Street on Brexit night. Leave.EU founder and millionaire businessman Arron Banks donates £50,000 to campaign to make Big Ben bong for Brexit as pressure grows on Boris Johnson to 'overrule' Parliament and stop it blocking the plan Millionaire businessman and Leave.EU founder Arron Banks has given the campaign to …
brexit countdown_bg Created with Sketch. Boris Johnson's to Luxembourg for Brexit talks yesterday was overshadowed by a calculated insult from his host Xavier Bettel After refusing to move a press conference away from noisy protests, Mr Bettel delivered a furious anti-Brexit rant against the backdrop of a Union flag, while gesturing at the empty podium set up for Mr Johnson …
Iain Duncan Smith has been promoted to head up Boris Johnson's Tory leadership campaign team in a bid to get his fight for Downing Street back on track. Iain Duncan Smith has been made campaign chairman for Team Johnson and he has been credited with getting him out of the 'bunker' The former mayor of London, pictured campaigning in Richmond …
Boris Johnson was confronted by supporters today and told to cut out the 'rows' with his girlfriend Carrie Symonds as he finally took to the campaign trail. The leadership favourite met Tory members in leafy Wisley in Surrey after an evening and morning of media appearances that followed weeks of avoiding publicity Licking the opposition: Mr Boris came out blazing …