Actor Shakti Kapoor became a household name for playing several villainous roles on the big screen. In his old interview for a Sahyadri channel’s talk show, Shakti Kapoor spoke candidly about his marriage with Shivangi Kolhapure who was 14 years his junior. Shakti Kapoor knew only Padmini at the time as he saw her working as a child actress. It …
Shweta Tiwari's world revolves around her two children, Palak and Reyansh and her Instagram posts are proof. Shweta Tiwari shared pictures with her son Reyansh on Instagram. SHWETA’S NEW YEAR’S POST FEATURED REYANSH On New Year, Shweta Tiwari wished her fans with a picture featuring herself with her son Reyansh. More posts featuring Shweta and her son Reyansh: On the …