India Meteorological Department on Monday issued yellow alert in Alappuzha, Ernakulam and Thrissur districts of Kerala. According to IMD Yellow alert has also been issued for Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Malappuram and Wayanad districts for June 27. Earlier on June 25, IMD said that the southwest monsoon is active now and has covered the whole of Maharashtra and …
Come June, the headquarters of the Idukki district administration turns into a hive of activity. With yet another southwest monsoon making its annual date with the State, officials such as Ms. George are spending long hours working on disaster preparedness programmes to deal with the vagaries of nature. “We are all geared up for the monsoon season and have put …
It seems that the monsoon is not done with India yet. Kerala | A team of National Disaster Response Force rescues locals at Muvattupuzha in rain-hit Ernakulam district — ANI October 17, 2021 The India Meteorological Department said that intense rainfall activity over Kerala will reduce 'significantly' from today, October 17. "Thunderstorms with light to moderate intensity rain would …
Kottayam: Many of the sons of the soil from Idukki, the home of 'Idukki gold' once, are now doing highly 'rewarding' jobs in Andhra Pradesh. Over 500 people from Idukki district are cultivating ganja and producing hashish oil, a derivative of ganja, at Paderu and Alakam near Visakhapatnam, it is learnt. Satheesh, state excise department squad member and excise circle …