The two key accused in the Bengaluru cafe explosion case were involved in a “failed IED attack” at the office of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the city on January 22, the day of the consecration ceremony at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, the National Investigation Agency said on Monday, as it filed its charge sheet against four people in …
The National Investigation Agency on Monday filed a chargesheet against four accused in the Rameshwaram Cafe blast case. The chargesheet alleges that two radicals, Abdul Matheen Ahmed Taaha and Mussavir Hussain Shazib, allegedly inspired by the Islamic State, planned and executed the attack on the cafe. Failed attack bid In a big revelation, the NIA has claimed that the accused’s …
A small explosion took place after a bag containing an IED was thrown in the garbage after it was found in the parking of the provincial office of the Pakistan Election Commission in Karachi, police said. A senior police official, DIG Syed Asad Raza said the plastic bag containing an IED explosive device/bomb had been placed in the parking lot …
Highlights 17 year-old boy confesses that he had planned and executed various explosions in Shillong last year Class-12 student was involved in planting an improvised explosive device at the ruling NPP’s office He was also part of the team that planned an IED attack in Laitumkhrah in August 2021 A 17 year-old boy, detained earlier this week in connection with …
New Delhi: The CRPF headquarters in Delhi received a bomb threat call on Wednesday evening, which was later declared a hoax. Two fire engines and several Delhi Police teams were dispatched to the site, but no bomb or dangerous object was discovered, the officials said "A joint bomb detection team of the CRPF, CISF and Delhi Police was constituted and …