The National Investigation Agency on Monday filed a chargesheet against four accused in the Rameshwaram Cafe blast case. The chargesheet alleges that two radicals, Abdul Matheen Ahmed Taaha and Mussavir Hussain Shazib, allegedly inspired by the Islamic State, planned and executed the attack on the cafe. Failed attack bid In a big revelation, the NIA has claimed that the accused’s …
A group once associated with graffiti near a police station in Mangaluru has become the most wanted terror module in Karnataka. Known in police circles as the “Thirthahalli module”, this group is believed to be responsible for a series of improved explosive device explosions in both Mangaluru and Bengaluru, with aspirations of establishing an Islamic State Caliphate within Karnataka’s forests, …
“Welcome to prosperous Malnad known for people of sadbhava and sajjanike,” reads a board at an autorickshaw stand in Thirthahalli, a picturesque town in Shivamogga district in Karnataka. Besides Shariq, Maaz, and Ali, two others from Thirthahalli — Abdul Matheen Ahmed Taha and Muzabbir Hussain — accused in the ‘Al Hind Islamic State Bengaluru terror module case’, have been on …