Hyderabad: The placement season began with a bang at the Hyderabad Indian Institute of Technology, with several students reporting higher pay packages and an increase in placements over previous years. IIT Hyderabad students this year earned a higher average annual salary of Rs 20.46 lakh than students in 2021 and 2020, who earned approximately Rs 15.41 lakh and Rs 19.65 …
Mumbai The pandemic pushed several sectors towards digitisation at a faster rate and hiring experts have touted this as one of the main reasons for an increase in the hiring of fresh talent, especially in the technology industry. The first phase of placements across the Indian Institutes of Technology ended last week and most IITs have recorded a 40-45% increase …
Indian Institute of Technology Madras students continued their strong show in pre-placement with offers increasing yet again during 2019-20 compared with the preceding academic year, thanks to their exemplary internship programme. Speaking about the increase in PPOs this year, Prof. Manu Santhanam and Prof. C S Shankar Ram, Advisors, IIT Madras, said, "The trend of increasing PPOs through our internship …