The School Education department has identified over six lakh illiterate people over the age of 15 across Tamil Nadu and has begun classes to provide basic literacy education for them this year under the New India Literary Programme or Puthiya Bharatha Ezhutharivu Thittam 2022-2027. “So far 6,07,771 people have been identified with the help of volunteers from the Illam Thedi …
Most students that Hannah O'Neill encounters each day are musically "illiterate". Key points: Nearly two in three Australian primary schools offer no classroom music, according to The Music Trust Students undertake between four and 17 hours music teaching training while studying to become a classroom teacher A group of regional music teachers are teaching other teachers to address "a knowledge …
With the run-up to bye-elections in two assembly seats in Karnataka on October 30, political discourse seems to have hit a new low as top leaders have been making personal attacks on each other and no one seems to be worried. Karnataka BJP president and Dakshina Kannada MP Nalin Kumar Kateel called Congress leader Rahul Gandhi a “drug addict” and …
GUWAHATI: A students’ organisation in Assam has alleged that the centres of National Register of Citizens are making illiterate Bengalis sign on an undertaking that they do not possess any documentary evidence to counter individuals and organisations who objected to the inclusion of their names in draft NRC. The allegation was made amidst the growing demand for action against “fake …