The Delhi High Court has ruled that keeping an accused in custody by using Section 45 of the PMLA as a tool for incarceration is not permissible where the delay in trial is not attributable to the accused. The court observed that Section 45 cannot become a shackle that leads to unreasonably long detention of the accused.
In the Mullaperiyar dam case, the State of Tamil Nadu has filed a reply affidavit in the Supreme Court opposing the assertions made by the State of Kerala for the decommissioning of the existing dam and for reconstructing a new dam in that place.Tamil Nadu has said that such repeated assertions by the Kerala Government and the writ petitioners. In …
The BJP-led Union government is determined to table the Citizenship Bill, 2019 in this parliamentary session, after it lapsed earlier in the year. In Navtej, Chandrachud J and Indu Malhotra J did not declare section 377 of the IPC as violative of Article 15 only because it effected classification based on "sex". Therefore, for the violation of Article 15, both …