In a case of alleged rape, the Bombay High Court at Goa has ruled that even if a girl has booked a hotel room along with a man and goes inside the room, it does not mean that she has given her consent for sexual intercourse. A single-judge bench of the Bombay High Court led by Justice Bharat Deshpande quashed …
The Bombay High Court has ruled that the use of the word ‘can’ in the relevant clause has the effect of qualifying Arbitration as a mode of settlement, and the mere fact that a particular clause is captioned as “Arbitration”, does not conclusively imply the mandatory nature of arbitration when the option is left to the parties to settle their …
The Bombay High Court recently reiterated that an amendment that completely changes the nature of the suit cannot be permitted. "Despite arriving at a finding that plaintiffs were introducing an altogether new case by amending the plaint, the trial Court has still proceeded to allow the application for amendment on the ground that since the amendment is also in respect …