Oscar-winning filmmaker Alejandro G Inarritu’s latest feature film “Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths” has landed at the streaming service Netflix. Penned by Inarritu and Nicolas Giacobone, who previously collaborated on the Oscar-winning script for “Birdman”, the movie is a “nostalgic comedy set against an epic personal journey”, as per the description shared by Netflix. ‘Bardo’ is a …
The Mexican maker of “Birdman” will pick the winner of the top Palme D’Or prize on May 25. Cannes jury president Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu lauded the “communal experience” of watching movies in cinemas as the French film festival, locked in a row with streaming services such as Netflix, got underway on Tuesday. The Mexican maker of “Birdman” heads up a …