Hollywood star Tom Cruise's upcoming film with Oscar-winning director Alejandro González Iñárritu will open in American theatres on October 2, 2026, studio Warner Bros has announced. For the movie, Inarritu is once again collaborating with his Birdman co-writers Alexander Dinelaris and Nicolas Giacobone, with Sabina Berman also sharing a screenwriting credit. Warner Bros has also announced new release dates for …
Los Angeles, Hollywood star Tom Cruise's upcoming film with Oscar-winning director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu will open in American theatres on October 2, 2026, studio Warner Bros has announced. Tom Cruise's upcoming movie with Alejandro G Inarritu to come out in Oct 2026 The film marks Inarritu's first English-language film since the Leonardo DiCaprio-starrer "The Revenant" in 2015, reported entertainment news …