Sima Taparia and romance novelist Ravinder Singh took to the stage on Sahitya AajTak English 2022. During the session, Sima Taparia opened up about the criticism against Indian Matchmaking and what happened with one of the clients, Aparna Shewakramani. SIMA TAPARIA REACTS TO CRITICISM AGAINST INDIAN MATCHMAKING Sima Taparia was last seen in the second season of Indian Matchmaking, which …
Funds parked by Indian individuals and firms in Swiss banks, including through India-based branches and other financial institutions, jumped to 2.55 billion Swiss francs in 2020 on a sharp surge in holdings via securities and similar instruments, though customer deposits fell, annual data from Switzerland's central bank showed on Thursday. The total amount of CHF 2,554.7 million, described by the …
Money parked by Indian individuals and enterprises in Swiss banks, including through India-based branches, fell by nearly 6 per cent in 2018 to 955 million Swiss francs to hit its second-lowest level in over two decades, Swiss National Bank data showed Thursday. According to the SNB, its data for 'total liabilities' of Swiss banks towards Indian clients takes into account …
Aggregate funds of all foreign clients of Swiss banks also fell by over 4 percent to CHF 1.4 trillion in 2018 Zurich/New Delhi: Money parked by Indian individuals and enterprises in Swiss banks, including through India-based branches, fell by nearly 6 percent in 2018 to 955 million Swiss francs to hit its second-lowest level in over two decades, Swiss National …