Moments before officially changing its name to Royal Challengers Bengaluru, the franchise on Tuesday inducted former pace bowler Vinay Kumar into its Hall of Fame. We’re celebrating Namma Vinay Kumar as we engrave his name on the elite list - RCB Hall of Fame," the franchise wrote in an announcement on its social media. Kumar is the third player to …
After JDU leader Pavan Kumar’s letter to Bihar CM Nitish Kumar on the issue of CAA and also over tie-up in Delhi with the BJP received flak from the party chief, a fresh turmoil was caused in the ruling JD-BJP alliance in Bihar when the party’s vice president Prashant Kishor took to Twitter to make sharp attacks on union home …
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Tuesday said that then BJP president Amit Shah had asked him to induct political strategist Prashant Kishor into the Janata Dal-United JD. Amit Shah asked me to induct him," said Kumar, while responding to a media question on Prashant Kishor. Last month, Kishor had told ANI that it is only Bihar Chief Minister …