The Delhi Police on Saturday said it has identified all even victims who were charred to death in the deadly fire that broke out in a building that housed an illegal paint manufacturing factory in Nehru Enclave near Alipur in outer Delhi on Thursday evening. On Thursday, the blaze quickly intensified due to inflammable material stored inside and outside the …
The police have recovered the bodies of three passengers, including a child, from the railway track near Elathur where an unidentified man on Sunday night set on fire couch number D1 of the Alappuzha-Kannur Express after pouring some inflammable liquid. The man who set fire to the compartment on Sunday at 9.30 p.m., following a heated exchange of words with …
On June 24, the Supreme Court of India dismissed a petition by Zakia Jafri challenging clean chit to then-Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 Gujarat Riots Case. Mukul Sinha’s Jan Sangharsh Manch and other ‘liberals’ and ‘activists’ fought tooth and nail to call the eyewitnesses of the Godhra carnage liars, as evidenced in the Nanavati-Mehta Commission Report. Except, in …
Presence of inflammable materials, including flex and tyres, and fire tenders stationed away from the spot contributed to the blaze in Surat and hampered the fire fighting operation Gandhinagar: Presence of inflammable materials, including flex and tyres, and fire tenders stationed away from the spot contributed to the blaze at a commercial complex in Surat and hampered the fire fighting …