The second season of Bandish Bandits has landed on the right note. The musical romantic drama arrived on Amazon Prime Video over the weekend, with Ritwik Bhowmik and Shreya Chaudhry bringing back OTT's favourite star-crossed lovers - Radhe and Tamanna. Shreya Chaudhry and Ritwik Bhowmik are back together on Bandish Bandits. Shreya Chaudhry on Tamanna's fall from grace Shreya agrees …
BEIJING — U.S. government bans on Chinese-owned video sharing app TikTok reveal Washington’s own insecurities and are an abuse of state power, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday. “How unsure of itself can the U.S., the world’s top superpower, be to fear a young person’s favorite app to such a degree?” The White House is giving all federal agencies, …
An emotional Skye Wheatley has admitted she 'probably need counselling' to deal with her body insecurities instead of years of undergoing plastic surgery procedures. Over the past five years, Skye has had a breast augmentation, reconstructive surgery after her first boob job became botched, rhinoplasty, lip filler and cheek filler. Emotional: Skye Wheatley admitted she 'probably need counselling' to deal …
The Duchess of Sussex officially opens the new Luminary Bakery in London this week The Duchess of Sussex donned an apron this week as she joined in with a baking workshop for disadvantaged women. The project is designed to help disadvantaged women and Meghan featured it in British Vogue Meghan visits the Luminary Bakery in North London which aims to …