While shares of Yes Bank rose sharply by more than 50 percent to hit a high of Rs 40.40 apiece at the BSE on Monday following a restructuring scheme notified by the government on Saturday, one particular clause to restrict trading in the bank’s shares left many investors concerned. New Delhi: A sudden decision to restrict trading in shares of …
New Delhi: Foreign investors pulled out ₹8,319 crore on a net basis from capital markets in the first half of August, continuing their selling spree in the Indian market amid uncertainty over FPI tax and global trade worries. According to the depository data, foreign portfolio investors sold equities worth ₹10,416.25 crore on a net basis during 1-16 August. So far …
New Delhi: Continuing with their selling spree, foreign investors pulled out a net amount of ₹9,197 crore in just seven trading sessions in August due to unconducive domestic and global factors. According to latest depositories data, foreign portfolio investors withdrew a net amount of ₹11,134.60 from equities while pumping in ₹1,937.54 into the debt segment during 1-9 August, taking the …