Xiaomi launched the Mi 9 for the global market on Sunday afternoon at the Mobile World Congress 2019 event. For the videos, the Mi 9 manages to score 99 points in DxoMark, which is higher than even the iPhone XS Max and Google Pixel 2. The DxoMark score reveals that the Xiaomi Mi 9 has the best -- better than …
With smartphones falling prey to the economies of mass scale, quality control over millions of hundreds of different models becomes challenging. According to one of the latest reports from iDropNews, a man from Ohio going by the name of Josh Hillard has mentioned that his iPhone XS Max exploded in his pocket and caused him injuries while damaging his clothes …
Premium does not necessarily mean good-looking, and that is a problem the Pixel 3 XL has to deal with. It’s such a huge jump that if it wasn’t for the camera, this display would easily have been the defining feature of the phone The Google Pixel 3 XL also gets HDR support. On a related note, the Pixel 3 XL’s …