The air quality across Delhi and its neighbouring areas plunged into the “severe” category on Friday morning, as a thick layer of smog enveloped the National Capital Region, including Noida, Ghaziabad, and Gurugram. The clip, captioned, “Drone visuals from the Anand Vihar area shows a thick layer of haze in the air,” highlights the extent of Delhi’s ongoing pollution crisis. …
Most parts of Delhi and its adjoining areas like Noida, Ghaziabad and Gurugram remained smoggy for the third straight day on Friday, with anti-pollution curbs under Graded Response Action Plan Stage III coming into effect amid 'severe' Air Quality Index in several areas. Anand Vihar, Dwarka-Sector 8 and VV Block C were the stations with the worst AQI - 1105, …
As winter sets in, Delhi's air quality has continued to deteriorate, remaining a “very poor” level with 334 overall AQI on Wednesday, according to the Central Pollution Control Board. Commuters drive amid dense smog in New Delhi While the CPCB has recorded the air quality index at 334, another platform, IQAir, a Swiss air quality technology company, showed that Delhi's …
The World Air Quality Report 2023 published by the Swiss organisation IQAir has deemed Delhi as the world’s most polluted capital city. As per the study, PM2.5 levels in the capital worsened from 89.1 micrograms per cubic metre in 2022 to 92.7 micrograms per cubic metre in 2023 Delhi is once again the world’s most polluted capital city, marking the …