Ahead of the G20 Summit, New Delhi's New Delhi district witnessed the implementation of strict traffic regulations on Friday morning. Beginning at 5 am on Friday and lasting until 11.59 pm on Sunday, the New Delhi district has been officially designated as Controlled Zone-I due to the G20 Summit. Police said, “movement of vehicles is being regulated in the New …
Three weeks after Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab accorded in-principle approval to the comprehensive mobility plan for the tricity prepared by RITES, the UT administration has finalised the mass rapid transport system plan after some tweaks to the proposed Metro corridors. In the first phase, which will be developed between 2027 and 2037, the MRTS will run from Sarangpur to Panchkula …
Launched with much fanfare in March 2022, nearly a year later, the shuttle bus service at Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Mohali, seems to have lost favour with air passengers. The shuttle bus service was launched by Chandigarh administrator Banwarilal Purohit on March 22 last year to provide passengers an affordable, reliable and comfortable transport option to reach local destinations …
Launched 10 days ago, the shuttle bus service between Chandigarh International Airport and ISBT, Sector 17 has evoked encouraging response from passengers. The eight shuttle buses ply between Chandigarh International Airport and ISBT, Sector 17, with stoppages at the Sector-43 ISBT and Sohana in Mohali. The airport shuttle bus service was launched by UT administrator Banwarilal Purohit on March 22. …