Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra-starrer Jabariya Jodi, which was set to hit theatres on August 2, has now been shifted by a week. Parineeti Chopra and Sidharth Malhotra’s Jabariya Jodi has been postponed. A DNA report said since Shahid Kapoor’s Kabir Singh, Hrithik Roshan’s Super 30, Hollywood film The Lion King and more recently released Kangana Ranaut-starrer Judgementall Hai Kya …
Jabariya Jodi director Prashant Singh said that his film explores the subject of groom kidnapping in a quirky way. Jabariya Jodi marks the reunion of Hasee Toh Phasee jodi Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra. "Jabariya Jodi" will see Sidharth Malhotra playing a thug, who helps kidnap grooms and Parineeti is seen as his love interest. "Jabariya Jodi" produced by Balaji …