On Saturday, the Narcotics Control Board along with the Delhi Police Special Cell arrested absconding Tamil film producer Jaffer Sadiq. Former Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam functionary and film producer Sadiq is the accused mastermind of a Rs 2000 Crore international drug racket which the agency busted last month. Singh said, “He is the kingpin of the India-Australia-New Zealand drug trafficking network, …
Tamil film producer, Jaffar Sadiq, who was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau on Saturday, told the probe agency that he gave Rs 7 lakh to DMK minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, sources told India Today TV. The NCB is reportedly probing whether the money Jaffar Sadiq gave to Udhayanidhi Stalin was money he received as proceeds of the drug trafficking he …
On the night of July 20, an ex-Pakistani diplomats daughter was found brutally murdered at her residence in Islamabad, Pakistan. The 27-year-old Noor Mukadam, daughter of former Pakistani diplomat to South Korea and Kazakhstan, Shaukat Ali Mukadam was shot then stabbed and mercilessly beheaded with a sharp instrument. Youth beheads ex Pakistani diplomat’s daughter over break up According to Pakistan …
The Haryana police on Thursday arrested two out of the eight individuals accused of gangraping a goat, Hindustan Times has reported. The two accused have been identified as Jaffar Khan and Saahukar Khan who are 21 and 22 years old respectively. As reported by us, the incident happened in Marodha village of Haryana’s Mewat, where the goat was gang-raped by …