HYDERABAD: The last rites of 42-year-old mobile technician Syed Saifuddin, who was shot dead by an RPF constable in the Jaipur-Mumbai Express on August 3, were performed at his native Hameelapur village of Bidar district after Fajr prayers on Thursday. MIM’s Nampally legislator Jaffar Hussain Meraj accompanied the victim's family, and coordinated with the local Maharashtra police. Meraj also spoke …
Much of veteran actress Farukkh Jaffar's life has revolved around these three words. Right from Rekha to "all the Khans", as she indiscreetly puts it, and now even newer actors like Nazawuddin Siddiqui and Ayushmaan Khurrana - Jaffar has spent an eon in the world of glitz and glamour. Today, whenever Jaffar hears the words "Go back to Pakistan" being …
For Jaffar K.M., a 53-year-old resident of Erattupetta in Kottayam, discovering the genealogy of his family has always been a matter of pride. A fourth generation descendant of Chakkiparamban Moideenkutty Haji, he carried out extensive research to trace his roots that extended over three decades to establish his links with the Muslim leader from Malabar and the father of the …