Sharad Pawar, the veteran politician from Maharashtra, has encountered yet another setback as a prominent MLA, Kiran Lahamate from Akola, has switched allegiance from his faction to join Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar. Lahamate was initially seen with Ajit Pawar during the oath-taking ceremony on July 2, 2023, but later returned to Sharad Pawar’s camp. Jagtap dedicated three days to …
A doctor and his son were beaten up by a group of people in Maharashtra’s Baramati allegedly because the doctor opened the clinic door too late to allow them to come in. The men, Anand alias Anil Jagtap, Vishwajeet Jagtap, Ashok Jagtap, and Bhushan Jagtap, forced their way into the doctor’s house and started beating him. In the video, one …