After uniting Tapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar in the upcoming film Saand Ki Aankh for the first time, the makers have announced filmmaker Prakash Jha as one of its actors. The film, which is based on sharpshooters Chandro Tomar and Prakashi Tomar, it marks the directorial debut of scriptwriter Tushar Hiranandani who has written films like Main Tera Hero, Ek …
The makers of the film said Jha, who last featured as an actor in his 2016 directorial Jai Gangaajal, immediately agreed to star in Saand Ki Aankh after reading its script Director Prakash Jha has boarded the cast of biographical drama Saand Ki Aankh. The film, which will chronicle the story of world’s oldest sharpshooters Chandro and Prakashi Tomar, will …