A video of Bharatiya Janata Party leader Ramesh Bidhuri making derogatory remarks against Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi went viral on Sunday. In the video clip, Bidhuri could be heard saying, "I promise you that I will each build road of Kalkaji" smooth "like the cheeks of Priyanka Gandhi." just like we built roads of Okhla and Sangam Vihar, we will …
Former actor Sana Khan has shared new pictures and videos from her Srinagar honeymoon with husband Anas Sayied. Itni paagal jaisi thandi hai idhar.” To tackle the cold weather, Sana made herself a cup of tea, and shared that video as well. It’s Kashmir!” In another video, she’d said, “What a view, man!” Anas walked into the frame, saying, “Badi …
It’s just been day three of Bigg Boss 14 and the reality TV show's celebrities are giving its fans a proper dosage of entertainment. When Gauahar Khan had asked Sidharth if Nikki has all the qualities he is looking for in a girl, he replied with, “Nikki jaisi hai, aisi ladki chahiye.” What followed was them laughing over Sidharth’s ‘aisi …