A video of Bharatiya Janata Party leader Ramesh Bidhuri making derogatory remarks against Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi went viral on Sunday. In the video clip, Bidhuri could be heard saying, "I promise you that I will each build road of Kalkaji" smooth "like the cheeks of Priyanka Gandhi." just like we built roads of Okhla and Sangam Vihar, we will …
In its tone and tenor Shaadisthan appears to view sermonising as true feminism and views women in binary terms as ‘hum jaisi auratein’ and ‘aap jaisi auratein’ at loggerheads with each other: us and them, the progressives and the conservatives rather than human beings on a spectrum. Language: Hindi “Hum jaisi auratein ladaai karti hai taaki aap jaisi auraton ko …
Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin fame actor Mona Singh turns 31 today. Mona made her mark with her debut TV show Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin, where she played the role of a plain and simple girl who has to face difficulties because of the way she looks. Kavach The supernatural drama has Mona Singh playing the role of Paridhi Bundela, a …