Ayyappa temples witnessed a heavy rush on the occasion of Makara Sankranti in Vijayawada on Tuesday. About 2,000 devotees offered their ‘irumudi’ at the Gollapudi Ayyappa temple, while more than 10,000 devotees thronged the temple. Meanwhile, special prayers were conducted at the Jakkampudi Ayyappa temple with hundreds of devotees gathering to witness the ‘Makara Jyoti darshan’. While Sabarimala in Kerala …
Kakinada: Housing Minister Jogi Ramesh has given a call to the people to defeat the “evil designs’’ of the Telugu Desam-Jana Sena combine, which is taking assistance from a “national party.” Speaking at the YSRC Samajika Sadhikaratha Bus Yatra rally at Dosakayalapalli village in Korukonda mandal, Ramesh said that the TD, Jana Sena and the yellow media had already hatched …
Athletics gave 10 medals while six each from came from table tennis and taekwondo, five from triathlon and two golds from kho kho Kathmandu: Track and field athletes led India’s gold rush on the third day of competitions in the 13th South Asian Games as the country added a whopping 29 medals to surge ahead in the medals tally on …
Indian shuttlers continued their dominating show at the 13th South Asian Games with four individuals and as many doubles pairs cruising into the semifinals to assure themselves of medals at Pokhara on Wednesday. Top seed Siril Verma started the day on a winning note for India when he beat Pakistan’s Murad Ali 21-12, 21-17, in a men’s singles quarterfinal match. …