Meerut hangman Pawan Jallad will carry out the execution of convicts in the sensational Nirbhaya gangrape and murder case on January 22 in Tihar jail. Tihar jail officials will soon write to Uttar Pradesh Prisons to seek service of the hangman, informing them about the date and time of execution of all the four convicts. Pawan Jallad's grandfather Kallu had …
Pawan Jallad, a hangman at the Meerut prison, said that he is ready to carry out the execution in the Tihar jail of the men convicted of raping and murdering Nirbhaya in 2012. The Uttar Pradesh's Additional Director General Anand Kumar said that Delhi's Tihar Jail has sent out a request for hangmen. "The Tihar Jail had asked Uttar Pradesh …