Two days ahead of Nirbhaya's gangrape convicts' scheduled execution, Pawan Jallad, the hangman from Meerut Prison, reported to Tihar Jail on Thursday. Jail officials said that Pawan Jallad will be staying at Tihar Jail to check the strength of the rope and other things on Friday. The four convicts in the gruesome gangrape-and-murder case are scheduled to be hanged on …
Pawan Jallad, a hangman at the Meerut prison, said that he is ready to carry out the execution in the Tihar jail of the men convicted of raping and murdering Nirbhaya in 2012. The Uttar Pradesh's Additional Director General Anand Kumar said that Delhi's Tihar Jail has sent out a request for hangmen. "The Tihar Jail had asked Uttar Pradesh …