Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Thursday flagged off 'Laddu Rath' carrying 1,11,111 laddus for Ayodhya Dham as part of Bharatiya Janata Party's celebration for Lord Ram and Sita's wedding. “Now, as Lord Ram has returned to Ayodhya Dham, then there will be a grand celebration on his wedding,” said CM Yadav. For the first time, the celebrations also …
Myagdi : Nepal has dispatched two Shaligram stones to India's Ayodhya for the construction of idols of Ram and Janaki expected to be placed in the main temple complex of the under-construction Ram Mandir. Lord Ram is the incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu which is why the stone from Kali Gandaki River, if available, would be very good to make Ram …
Reacting sharply to Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli’s claim that Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Ram, is in Nepal and that he was Nepali, members of the saints’ community have urged him to keep religion out of regional politics. Ties between India and Nepal are even older than history,” said Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, chairman of Sri Ram Jamabhoomi …