Saif Ali Khan has kickstarted shooting for his next film Jawaani Jaaneman. The film also stars Pooja Bedi's daughter Alaia Furniturewalla as Saif's onscreen daughter. Last year, Jawani Janeman's producer Jay Shewakramani took to Instagram to announce Saif Ali Khan's association with the film. A while back, there were rumours that Saif Ali Khan will play Sara's father in Imtiaz …
Other than Ananya Panday, Tara Sutaria, Ahan Shetty, 2019 is all set to witness the big Bollywood debut of another star kid, Pooja Bedi’s gorgeous daughter Alaia Furniturewala. Now, she will mark her name in Bollywood with Saif Ali Khan’s next film Jawani Janeman. Alaia will be seen playing the onscreen daughter of Saif Ali Khan. The buzz also had …