The brother of BJP leader Sonali Phogat has filed a formal complaint with the Goa Police, claiming that she was murdered by two of her associates. A case of unnatural death, registers police Phogat, the BJP leader from Hisar in Haryana who had found fame on Tik Tok, was “brought dead” at the St. Anthony Hospital at Anjuna in North …
Several Hindu organizations in Punjab’s Jagraon staged a protest on Monday demanding the arrest of Jaspal Singh Heran, the chief editor of a Punjabi daily Rozana Pehredar, for using objectionable language against Hindu gods and goddesses through his newspaper and social media platforms. @CHARANJITCHANNI @MogaPolice @PMOIndia @AmitShah @ZeeNews @DGPPunjabPolice plz take action this racist newspaper pehredar and its baised reporter …