Shloka Mehta’s sister, designer Diya Mehta Jatia, took to Instagram to share a series of pictures showing Shloka at an event from Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s second pre-wedding celebrations. The image shows Shloka Mehta in a gorgeous gown while attending an event at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding celebrations. In her post, Diya Mehta Jatia also shared a …
New Delhi: This year's Met Gala, which was held on May 1, included a slew of renowned Indian names putting their best fashion foot forward. In addition to them, Diya Mehta Jatia, Shloka Mehta's sister was also there to represent India. About Diya Mehta Jatia: Diya, a fashion consultant and influencer, chose a green and black combination by Prabal Gurung …