Shares of JBM Auto Ltd were trading lower despite the company setting Friday, January 31, 2025, as the record date for its stock split. JBM Auto's market capitalization fell to ₹17,383 crore, with a total of 7,801 shares traded, resulting in a turnover of ₹1.15 crore on the BSE. On October 28 of the previous year, the board of JBM …
JBM Auto share price surged 5% on Monday's session, following the announcement that JBM Ecolife Mobility, a subsidiary of the company, secured contracts to operate, maintain, and procure 343 electric buses in Ahmedabad for ₹1,800 crore. JBM Auto share price today opened at an intraday high of ₹1,725 apiece on BSE, the stock touched an intraday low of ₹1648.05 per …