Jeetendra, known for his iconic movies in 70s and 80s has created a unique legacy in Hindi cinema. The veteran turned 82 on April 7 and celebrated his birthday with son Tusshar Kapoor and daughter Ekta Kapoor. Jeetendra celebrates 82nd birthday with grandchildren Tusshar, Ekta and Jeetendra shared videos and pictures from the birthday celebration. ” Jeetendra's close friend Rakesh …
The teaser of Sharman Joshi and Asha Negi’s Baarish 2 is out and confirms the union of their characters. Asha Negi and Sharman Joshi in a still from Baarish 2 teaser. The Baarish 2 teaser begins with Sharman and Asha’s characters falling in love all over again. Veteran Bollywood actor Jeetendra also has a cameo and is seen telling Sharman …