Kareena Kapoor has given a glimpse of her weekend breakfast being served to her by the actor's younger son Jehangir Ali Khan, also called Jeh. Kareena Kapoor shared a photo of Jeh serving her ‘Sunday breakfast’. Recently, the family including Kareena, Jeh, Saif Ali Khan, and Taimur Ali Khan travelled to Kenya for a vacation. She wrote, "Leaving a bit …
Actor Kareena Kapoor, who is currently shooting in London, took a day off from work to spend some quality time with younger son Jehangir Ali Khan. Kareena Kapoor spends time with Jehangir Ali Khan in London. Sharing the pictures on Instagram, Kareena wrote, “Kiss a tree.Be free…Fall with the love of my life #Day off from work…Loving it.” Actor Anushka …
Actor Kareena Kapoor flew out of Mumbai late on Tuesday night with her younger son Jehangir Ali Khan, also called Jeh, just over a week after returning from London. Kareena Kapoor and Jehangir Ali Khan traveled outside Mumbai. In the clip, Kareena carried Jehangir Ali Khan in her arms as she walked towards the entrance gate of the Mumbai airport. …
Sara Ali Khan wrote a sweet post for her brothers Ibrahim Ali Khan, Taimur Ali Khan, and Jehangir Ali Khan as she wished them on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. One of the pictures Sara shared on Raksha Bandhan was clicked on Jehangir Ali Khan's first birthday in February this year. Sara shared another post for Ibrahim Ali Khan, who …
Kareena Kapoor, who is enjoying a beach holiday at an undisclosed location with her husband Saif Ali Khan and their sons, Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan, captured her various moods on camera. Kareena Kapoor shared new pictures from her holiday, including one of her younger son, Jehangir Ali Khan. First, Kareena shared a black-and-white picture of herself, looking …