NAVI MUMBAI: The Navi Mumbai police on Friday recovered the body of a 20-year-old man who had gone missing two days ago after allegedly strangling his 19-year-old ex-girlfriend to death at the Nerul Jetty. The body was found floating at the Diwale creek in Belapur – around 2.5 km from the spot of incident - on Friday morning. Police had …
Nerul: Morning walkers and runners along Nerul Jetty, a well-known flamingo habitat which attracts bird and nature lovers, were shocked to find four dead birds on Thursday morning. 4 flamingos die dashing into 20-ft tall signage board in Nerul The culprit is the nearly 20-feet tall signboard installed by the City and Industrial Development Corporation on the road leading to …
Mumbai: A day before the news of four boys being lost at sea surfaced, the lifeguards and police team had prevented a 23-year-old man from drowning at the same spot in Juhu beach. 23-year-old man rescued at same spot one day ago On Sunday, several police officers and lifeguards were stationed at the seashore in their jurisdiction as MET had …