After many months of hushed rumours and leaks, Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani finally took to the stage to commercially launch JioFiber. While GigaFiber, err, JioFiber is still not clear with its plans and pricing, customers still have another broadband service with fiber network infrastructure - Airtel V-Fiber. And given that the base plan will cost Rs 700, this automatically …
About a year after its unveiling in the company's last annual general meeting, Reliance Industries is likely to launch Jio GigaFiber services soon, according to a report. Just like Reliance Jio, which became India's top mobile service operator in just three years, Jio GigaFiber is also expected to be a market disruptor with its cheap pricing plans. Jio Gigafiber speed: …
Almost a year ago, Reliance announced its foray into the broadband and DTH TV sectors in India with Jio GigaFiber and since then, the service has been in a kind of free public beta in various cities under the Preview offer. Along with Jio GigaFiber, Reliance could also announce its foray into the TV sector with its GigaTV or Jio …
Jio GigaFiber's expected arrival to the Indian market has initiated a lot of activity in the broadband market. BSNL has been quietly doing this for its regular broadband services and now it has done something about its newer fiber network broadband service Bharat Fiber. In what comes as expected, BSNL has revised its Bharat Fiber broadband plans in anticipation of …