After many months of hushed rumours and leaks, Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani finally took to the stage to commercially launch JioFiber. While GigaFiber, err, JioFiber is still not clear with its plans and pricing, customers still have another broadband service with fiber network infrastructure - Airtel V-Fiber. And given that the base plan will cost Rs 700, this automatically …
Jio GigaFiber has to be the most awaited tech launch of 2019 in India. 2- In its preview offer, depending on which offer you opt for, Jio GigaFiber gives speed of up to 100mbps or up to 50 mbps. The preview offer is for 3 months, but right now you can consider that the preview offer is going to last …
Year 2019 is going to be an important year for Jio as well the broadband as TV subscribers in India. Jio will launch its optical fiber-based Jio GigaFiber home broadband service this year which is expected to disrupt the broadband market of India. Area RFS basically means that Jio officials in their designated areas are reaching out the management authorities …