After India Today TV's sting operation exposed the masked woman seen in one of the viral videos of the violence which was unleashed inside the JNU campus on January 5, the Special Investigation Team of the Delhi Police has identified the woman. The woman will be soon served a notice to join the Delhi Police probe into violence at JNU, …
The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad said on Saturday that the person in India Today's sting operation on the JNU violence, who has confessed to his role in the attack and identified himself as a member of the RSS-affiliated front, was seen with the Left-leaning students during an earlier attack on its members on the same day. The ABVP, while distancing …
India Today TV's special investigation team that has created massive ripples across the country with its sting operation on the JNU violence on Sunday, has exposed the masked woman seen in one of the viral videos of the violence which was unleashed inside the JNU campus on January 5. India Today's JNU Tapes Part 2 has found that the woman …
Left-leaning JNU student Geeta Kumari, who was caught on JNU Tapes confessing to messing with university servers to derail the admission process, has defended her actions. When Geeta Kumari was asked why did she close the server room, the AISA activist said, "Our VC does everything online, sends love letter online, sends Happy Near Year online, sends warnings online, so …