In a direct fight between ruling Congress and the BJP, the polling for by-election for Marwahi constituency in Chhattisgarh will be held on Tuesday. The by-poll was necessitated after Janata Congress Chhattisgarh MLA and former chief minister Ajit Jogi passed away in May this year. The nomination papers of Jogi’s wife Richa Jogi, who had filed nomination for the same …
In a jolt to Janta Congress Chhattisgarh, party chief Amit Jogi’s nomination for the upcoming bypolls in Marwahi was rejected on Saturday. The nomination of Amit’s wife Richa Jogi, whose caste certificate was suspended earlier, was also rejected. A high-level investigation committee had on Thursday quashed the caste certificate of Jogi junior, a copy of which was presented before the …
In a big move ahead of Marwahi assembly by-election, a district level committee in Chhattisgarh’s Mungeli district on Thursday suspended the caste certificate issued earlier to former chief minister Ajit Jogi’s daughter-in-law Richa Jogi by district administration. The Caste Certificate Investigation Committee took the decision after they found response by Richa into the matter “unsatisfactory”. Reacting to this, Amit Jogi …